Severn Valley Woodworks source its timbers from well managed and responsible suppliers who are committed to active replantation programmes in the forests they harvest.
The European timber industry, which supplies the overwhelming majority of our timber, has overseen a steady expansion of Europe’s forests over the past 60 years. Between 1990 and 2000 the European forest area grew by 30% and this growth continues, as only 65% of the annual growth is harvested.
A combination of using latest generation Tanalith E wood preservative, careful pre-treatment timber preparations, the use of high quality pine timbers and approved treatment procedures allow us to offer
a 15 year TREATED-RIGHT performance warranty.
This warranty is available on Hutton Garden Products and also on the Severn Valley Woodworks range of decking and cladding products.
Sourcing Timber
Severn Valley Woodworks operate in partnership with Swedish and Finnish saw milling companies.
Our supply base has an annual production capacity of over one million cubic metres split between spruce and pine.
Buying from Sweden and Finland allows us to maintain a regular supply of quality redwood and minimise the impact of unfavourable exchange rates to timber pricing.
We strive to play our full part in achieving vertical integration from forest to end user with the aim of maximising all the benefits available for our customers.
Forest Certification is a mechanism for managing our forests within the principles of sustainable development.
The two main international schemes are FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification).
Chain of Custody is the paperwork flow through the chain, from the forest to the final retailer or merchant to prove that the timber in the product is derived from well-managed resources.
To claim that the timber is certified all links in the chain from the forest through to the application must have an audited Chain of Custody process.
The company has to show traceability, which means it can identify and track certified timber through its operations. It can also be used to provide traceability for schemes which verify that the wood comes from legal sources.
Severn Valley Woodworks Ltd holds chain of custody for both FSC® and PEFC schemes.
Look for our FSC® certified products.

Core Labour Requirements Policy Statement
Please click here to read our statement in accordance with the core labouring requirements.